Saturday, December 28, 2019

Essay about Childhood Obesity - 1310 Words

The biggest loser is one of the reality television programs that aimed to reduce the contestant body weight and gain healthy lifestyle. From this reality television programs lot of overweight people assemble to enter this competition. If it being looked deeper with or without we realizing, obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally, and all this evidence suggests that the situation is likely to get worse. In developed regions such as Europe, the United States of America, and in Australasia, the prevalence is high and increasing but in some developing countries even more extreme situations exist. For example, using World Health Organization standards for obesity, more than 70% of the adult Polynesian population in Samoa are†¦show more content†¦Nevertheless, BMI actually not directly measure body fat instead it predicts risks for current or future medical complications of obesity. Hence, the available methods claimed by WHO (1990) to determining the obesity among chil dren is according to abundance of standard value in which based on defining a weight-for-height (p.71). Obesity also known as an accumulation of excess amount of body fat actually detected as a seriously factors of the widespread medical problems in public health view and affecting the world population. Before 20th century the obesity problem is rarely occurs, but nowadays the obesity problem is keep rising globally every year and in Pasquali and Cohen (2008) article, approximately 31% of children in the United States are overweight or obese. The occurrence of obesity among children due to the interaction between dietary factors, environmental factors and genetically inherited. Unhealthy eating patterns taken by lots of children become the obvious factors to make them overweight. For example, the behaviour of unbalanced diet intake among kids with high percentage of fats, sweets and salty rather than giving priorities on carbohydrates, fruits or vegetables. Besides that, the environmental factors like lack of physical activity in children also recognize as the factor of children obesity. The excessive amount of glucose or energy within their body was converting into fatShow MoreRelatedChildhood Obesity : A Obesity1247 Words   |  5 PagesChildhood Obesity: A Review to Prevent the Risk Factors of Childhood Obesity in Our Community. The rates of childhood obesity Worldwide are alarmingly high! Obesity is a global nutritional concern and leads to horrible consequences on our children and becomes a worldwide pandemic. Worldwide estimates of obesity are as high as 43 million, and rates continue to increase each year. In this study, people will find healthy tips to prevent childhood overweight or obesity to help children in our communitiesRead MoreThe Prevalence Of Childhood Obesity1678 Words   |  7 PagesThe prevalence of childhood obesity has remained a serious matter in the United States over the years despite its recent decline (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). Children who are obese can experience the same devastating health effects as adults who are obese – cardiovascular issues, diabetes, breathing problems, and so forth. In addition, children who are obese are more than likely to become obese as adults, therefore the development of a health fair that would highlight increasedRead MoreThe Effects Of Obesity On Childhood Obesity Essay1953 Words   |  8 Pagesfind out what has caused or what the leading factors to obesity are. Researchers are currently still doing research to find out what causes or what may be the lead to obesity. Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition which considers a child to be obese if their Body Mass Index (BMI) is at or above the 95th percentile for children and teens of the same age and sex. (Rendall., Weden, Lau, Brownell, Nazarov Fernandes, 2014). Obesity is on a rise in the Unites States and all over the worldRead MoreEssay on Childhood Obesity1599 Words   |  7 PagesChildhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. The problem is global and is steadily affecting many low- and middle-income families particularly in the United States. The socioeconomic status of these families contributes to the childhood obesity epidemic. Summary of Article 1 The article, â€Å"Beliefs about the Role of Parenting in Feeding and Childhood Obesity among Mothers of Lower Socioeconomic Status† is a study that was conducted by Alison KalinowskiRead MoreChildhood Obesity : Obesity And Obesity Essay1671 Words   |  7 PagesFight to End Obesity Childhood obesity has increased drastically over the past years and has become a health risk to children. In fact, childhood obesity has doubled in numbers in the past thirty years (Childhood Obesity Facts). Obesity occurs when an individual becomes overweight and can be diagnosed by using the body mass index or BMI scale. Obesity causes many diseases in children which cannot be cured without a doctor, in result, childhood obesity drives high health care costs. The existenceRead MoreChildhood Obesity and Its Effect1260 Words   |  6 PagesChildhood obesity is considered to be a serious issue among our youth. Obesity can cause many types of physical problems, which most are aware of, but it can also cause some undesirable internal feelings within children and adolescents who suffer from it. Self-esteem, or self-worth, is important as it helps develop personality and is a major ingredient to our mental health status (Wang, F. and Veugelers, P. J., 2008). Some have said obesity may e ven have a negative effect on cognitive developmentRead MoreChildhood Obesity : The Adolescent Essay3626 Words   |  15 PagesChildhood Obesity: The Adolescent The Finale Paper Presented to: GEN499: General Education Capstone Instructor: Robert Bass Ashford University By: Ranita Wallace March 27, 2015 Childhood Obesity: The Adolescent Obesity is a growing health problem. Obesity is when individuals are overweight, it causes health problems and is a threat to their lives. Usually obesity is a result from over eating and lack of exercise. Obesity is the cause of many health problems such as diabetesRead MoreChildhood Obesity Essay976 Words   |  4 PagesAccording to a 2010 report by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the prevalence of childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past thirty years. As well as having an impact on health, studies have cited a relationship between obesity and poor school performance as well as a child’s readiness for learning and education. This can be correlated with studies finding â€Å"obese children have a greater risk of social and psychological problems, such as discrimination and poor self-esteem†Read MoreChildhood Obesity : Obesity And Obesity1505 Words   |  7 PagesChildhood Obesity Introduction Childhood Obesity has become more critical public health issue worldwide. However, obesity ratio varies from country to country. In addition, up to a quarter of Australian children are suffering from childhood obesity and obese children are at higher risk to become obese adult. For this reason, child’s weight always matters because it can impact on their health in future. There may be many reasons which affect childhood obesity including sedentary life style, lack ofRead MoreObesity : Childhood Obesity And Obesity955 Words   |  4 Pageswhere the life expectancy of today’s generation is being threatened. Prevention of overweight and obesity is imperative. Parents, especially mothers play a major role in preventing overweight and obesity among the children. Their knowledge of nutrition, food selection and family meal structure has major impact on their children’s food habit. The preschool age is crucial for the children to learn and develop their lifelong hab its. Education starts from home, where parents are the primary source Essay about Childhood Obesity - 1310 Words Preparation Outline: Vitalba Evola Topic: Childhood Obesity General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of two prevalent causes of childhood obesity. Thesis Statement: While there are many causes of childhood obesity, most are, in fact, preventable. Introduction I. Attention Getting Device: Our society has become a classic case of â€Å"Battle of the Bulge,† as our society now has an alarming number of obese individuals. But this isn’t from World War II; it is a current war of the waistlines. Can you imagine weighing 117 at 8 years old? Impossible, right? Wrong. Nicholas Reeves, a 2nd grader from Nashville, Tennessee, weighs in at a staggering 117 pounds (Donvan amp; Patricia, 2010). Nicholas, like†¦show more content†¦vii. Thus, in the case of child obesity, many children are eating more calories than what they are burning off. Transition: Researchers at the Mayo Clinic explain how obesity is more common in industrialized countries where more fast food and convenience stores are prevalent j. A poll done by MSNBC found that approximately 49% of parents say they turn to restaurants because of lack of time to provide a home-cooked meal viii. Fast foods are high in calories, provide less fruits and vegetables, and are packed with sugar, fat, and sodium k. A study done by CBS news found that, on average, 1/3 of children aged 4-19 living in the United States, eat fast food daily ix. This can be calculated as an extra 6 pounds per child, per year. x. Furthermore, because fast food is packed with more fats, carbohydrates, and sugars, the study found that these children consumed an average of 187 more calories a day Transition: Obesity, however, isn’t just about what we eat and how much we eat IV. Just as eating too much and eating bad foods is a key factor of childhood obesity, so too is a lack of exercise. l. According to the Center for Disease Control, physical activity/exercise play a fundamental role in energy balance m. Furthermore, the CDC found a decrease in daily physical activity provided by schools n. Instead of exercise, more children todayShow MoreRelatedChildhood Obesity : A Obesity1247 Words   |  5 PagesChildhood Obesity: A Review to Prevent the Risk Factors of Childhood Obesity in Our Community. The rates of childhood obesity Worldwide are alarmingly high! Obesity is a global nutritional concern and leads to horrible consequences on our children and becomes a worldwide pandemic. Worldwide estimates of obesity are as high as 43 million, and rates continue to increase each year. In this study, people will find healthy tips to prevent childhood overweight or obesity to help children in our communitiesRead MoreThe Prevalence Of Childhood Obesity1678 Words   |  7 PagesThe prevalence of childhood obesity has remained a serious matter in the United States over the years despite its recent decline (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). Children who are obese can experience the same devastating health effects as adults who are obese – cardiovascular issues, diabetes, breathing problems, and so forth. In addition, children who are obese are more than likely to become obese as adults, therefore the development of a health fair that would highlight increasedRead MoreThe Effects Of Obesity On Childhood Obesity Essay1953 Words   |  8 Pagesfind out what has caused or what the leading factors to obesity are. Researchers are currently still doing research to find out what causes or what may be the lead to obesity. Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition which considers a child to be obese if their Body Mass Index (BMI) is at or above the 95th percentile for children and teens of the same age and sex. (Rendall., Weden, Lau, Brownell, Nazarov Fernandes, 2014). Obesity is on a rise in the Unites States and all over the worldRead MoreEssay on Childhood Obesity1599 Words   |  7 PagesChildhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. The problem is global and is steadily affecting many low- and middle-income families particularly in the United States. The socioeconomic status of these families contributes to the childhood obesity epidemic. Summary of Article 1 The article, â€Å"Beliefs about the Role of Parenting in Feeding and Childhood Obesity among Mothers of Lower Socioeconomic Status† is a study that was conducted by Alison KalinowskiRead MoreChildhood Obesity : Obesity And Obesity Essay1671 Words   |  7 PagesFight to End Obesity Childhood obesity has increased drastically over the past years and has become a health risk to children. In fact, childhood obesity has doubled in numbers in the past thirty years (Childhood Obesity Facts). Obesity occurs when an individual becomes overweight and can be diagnosed by using the body mass index or BMI scale. Obesity causes many diseases in children which cannot be cured without a doctor, in result, childhood obesity drives high health care costs. The existenceRead MoreChildhood Obesity and Its Effect1260 Words   |  6 PagesChildhood obesity is considered to be a serious issue among our youth. Obesity can cause many types of physical problems, which most are aware of, but it can also cause some undesirable internal feelings within children and adolescents who suffer from it. Self-esteem, or self-worth, is important as it helps develop personality and is a major ingredient to our mental health status (Wang, F. and Veugelers, P. J., 2008). Some have said obesity may e ven have a negative effect on cognitive developmentRead MoreChildhood Obesity : The Adolescent Essay3626 Words   |  15 PagesChildhood Obesity: The Adolescent The Finale Paper Presented to: GEN499: General Education Capstone Instructor: Robert Bass Ashford University By: Ranita Wallace March 27, 2015 Childhood Obesity: The Adolescent Obesity is a growing health problem. Obesity is when individuals are overweight, it causes health problems and is a threat to their lives. Usually obesity is a result from over eating and lack of exercise. Obesity is the cause of many health problems such as diabetesRead MoreChildhood Obesity Essay976 Words   |  4 PagesAccording to a 2010 report by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the prevalence of childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past thirty years. As well as having an impact on health, studies have cited a relationship between obesity and poor school performance as well as a child’s readiness for learning and education. This can be correlated with studies finding â€Å"obese children have a greater risk of social and psychological problems, such as discrimination and poor self-esteem†Read MoreChildhood Obesity : Obesity And Obesity1505 Words   |  7 PagesChildhood Obesity Introduction Childhood Obesity has become more critical public health issue worldwide. However, obesity ratio varies from country to country. In addition, up to a quarter of Australian children are suffering from childhood obesity and obese children are at higher risk to become obese adult. For this reason, child’s weight always matters because it can impact on their health in future. There may be many reasons which affect childhood obesity including sedentary life style, lack ofRead MoreObesity : Childhood Obesity And Obesity955 Words   |  4 Pageswhere the life expectancy of today’s generation is being threatened. Prevention of overweight and obesity is imperative. Parents, especially mothers play a major role in preventing overweight and obesity among the children. Their knowledge of nutrition, food selection and family meal structure has major impact on their children’s food habit. The preschool age is crucial for the children to learn and develop their lifelong hab its. Education starts from home, where parents are the primary source

Friday, December 20, 2019

Transcendentalism An Idealistic Philosophical And Social...

Transcendentalism, which according to the dictionary means: â€Å"an idealistic philosophical and social movement that developed in New England around 1836 in reation to rationalism. Influenced by romanticism, Platonism, and Kantian philosophy, it taught that divinity pervades all nature and humanity, and its members held progressive views on feminism and communal living†. Transcendentalism is an American Literary, and philosophical movement of the early nineteenth century. This is thought is centered on Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. â€Å"If a plant cannot live according to his nature, it dies; and so a man (Emerson, Civil Disobedience, 260). Thoreau is described as a man who dreamed, and to my opinion was an introvert. He one day†¦show more content†¦Then it progresses in secondary school, you have to have the popular clothes, you can’t be seen in clothes that does not have a designer label on them. These are what I consider positive confor mity; there is nothing wrong with trying to fit in in this type of fashion. Then we have the negative form of conformity. You still want to fit in, but it is something you are doing only because someone else does it and it is accepted in the group. However, you privately do not like it. Let’s, look at some negative types of conformity. Smoking drugs; you know it is wrong, but the kids that you decided to hang around because you thought they were popular, smoked, so you smoke. You don’t want them to think you are not â€Å"cool†, but you privately do not like it and you know it is wrong. Another example is using foul language that you would not dare use in front of your parents. When you are around your â€Å"friends† you curse like a sailor the term goes, but you know in your heart even while saying the words that it is wrong. It feels wrong but you do it anyway out of fear of rejection. The second type is the Informational Conformity that occurs because someone gives you the wrong information and you don’t have the knowledge to get the facts, or data for yourself. You just accept what someone else’s views are. This can be found in a lot of adult groups. Politics is a good place to start. A lot of citizensShow MoreRelatedThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain628 Words   |  3 Pages Transcendentalism can be observed throughout the text of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and through the text textbook examples of Transcendentalism can be seen from the cast of characters and Huck himself and the situations/adventures that he gets himself into throughout his journey, a journey which enables him to develop his Transcendental ideals.. Transcendentalism is a vital part of The novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. By reading and studying the content of the Adventures of HuckleberryRead MoreEmerson And Transcendentalism1009 Words   |  5 PagesAlcott and Ralph Waldo Emerson are both completely different people and yet share the same ideals which is transcendentalism. Louisa May Alcott was born November 29, 1832, in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. She was the daughter of transcendentalist Amos Bronson Alcott, and her early life was profoundly influenced by Transcendentalism. Throughout her childhood, the family was quite poor but idealistic. In 1843, Alcott, her thre e sisters, and her parents joined the transcendentalist uprising commune FruitlandsRead MoreThe American Renaissance Essay1648 Words   |  7 Pagesand passionate social idealism brought major reform and advances in human rights during the first half of the nineteenth century. Enlightenment rationalism stressed humankind’s essential goodness rather than its wickedness and stimulated a belief in social progress and the assurance of individual perfectibility. After the American Revolution is when the interest in Deism increased. In every major city â€Å"deistical societies† were formed, especially within the college student social group. â€Å"By the useRead MoreHenry David Thoreau s On Living The Good Life1537 Words   |  7 Pagesand self-sufficiency were some of Thoreau s other philosophical precepts. In April of 1992 a recent graduate of Emory University named Christopher McCandless, set into the Alaskan wilderness, far away from civilization, to practice an extr eme example of economy. It can be said that within the fateful story of McCandless and the philosophy of Thoreau certain parallels can be highlighted. However, it is quite clear that McCandless took Thoreau’s social experiment to an extreme and lost sight of a practicalRead MoreAmerican Romanticism : The Highest Expression Of Imagination1721 Words   |  7 Pagescorruption of civilization and the limits of rational thoughts, and toward the integrity of nature and the freedom of imagination. In other words, it is a journey away from industrialism or rationalism, which is working hard and earning money. This movement, originally started in Europe and later reached in America. It can be best defined as a thought that values feeling and intuition over reason. Some of the characteristics include the importance of feeling and intuition over reason, placing faithRead MoreJohn Winthrop And Ralph Waldo Emerson1876 Words   |  8 Pageswas supposed to be achieved. Moreover, the paper is focused on interpreting and coming to terms with the pivotal social movements of Puritanism as well as transcendentalism. Speaking about the peculiarities of social theories, it is necessary to take a view of recognized changes in vast domains of social life and culture. The research will emphasize the main reconstructions of social and cultural theories due to historical events. The essay is also targeted on finding out whether it is logicallyRead MoreChristopher Smith And Christopher Mccandless1295 Words   |  6 PagesFrom the 1830’s to the 1860’s, a group of idealistic philosophers known as the American Transcendentalists spread their new and unique beliefs across the nation. Some well-known influential thinkers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Margaret Fuller, and many others introduced the philosophical social movement that established due to rationalist thoughts. These thinkers focused on being one with nature and the divine. After these id eas flourished in the mid-1800’s, individuals fromRead MoreChris Mccandless Was A Transcendental Person Or Not?2024 Words   |  9 Pagestranscendental? Some believe he was and other do not, it is sometimes up to opinion to decide whether he was or not, but you must first must understand what transcendentalism is before you can decide whether or not Chris McCandless was a transcendental person or not. The key things to know about transcendentalism is its core beliefs, those who â€Å"found† transcendentalism and their differences, and how these beliefs from these founders differed from what McCandless did during his transcendental trip. So, did ChrisRead MoreEmersons Self Reliance5249 Words   |  21 Pagessweetness the independence of solitude. Note that Emerson contrasts the individual to societyÂâ€"the crowdÂâ€"but does not advocate the individuals physically withdrawing from other people. There is a difference between enjoying solitude and being a social hermit . Outlining his reasons for objecting to conformity, Emerson asserts that acquiescing to public opinion wastes a persons life. Those around you never get to know your real personality. Even worse, the time spent maintaining allegiances to

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Internet Shopping Good or Bad Essay Example For Students

Internet Shopping Good or Bad? Essay Shopping on the Internet is increasing but would you do business this way?The Internet?s popularity has dramatically escalated over the past few years and has become an integral part of daily life. It has wide spread uses ranging from, obtaining information, downloading files, business advertisement to Internet commerce, which plays a major part in Internet practice. Our social structure is pressuring society to connect to the Internet, with schools world wide becoming more Web based and universities now have lectures, which can be solely viewed over the Internet. Within the next few years the potential and capabilities of the Internet are endless. With that in mind the following assignment will examine a continuously flourishing component of the Internet, Internet shopping. Although Internet shopping is on the increase, it will never surpass conventional shopping, as the ?experience of shopping? is lost, it is open to fraud and the ?try before you buy? concept does not occur. From this information, it could be stated, ?The promise of Internet shopping is drowning in a flood of deceit, customer dissatisfaction, fraud and misappropriation. The Internet is best known for being a information superhighway, not a superhighway to the shopping mall.?Shopping from the convenience and comfort of your own home may have its apparent advantages; no more standing in line, no more hassles. Currently people are using the Internet for shopping largely as it offers some benefits when compared with conventional shopping, for a narrow range of goods and services. Given that, there are still concerns about risks involved ? many issues from security of credit cards to privacyPurchasing products from the Internet has major disadvantages when compared to conventional shopping. A significant problem is you cannot see the store you are buying from. On the Internet, it can be difficult to know whether the business you are dealing with is honest or not. When your credit card number is given to a marketing site in order to purchase goods, there is no certain guarantee that it will be used for the purpose it was intended for. Many unscrupulous internet web sites, use promises of miracle cures, and other hoaxes in order to exploit their users in an effort to gain credit card numbers and use them, for their own personal gain. However many web sites are creditable, but the security of their web page then may be violated. (By ?Hackers?)When a user ?surfs? into an online store and submits an order form with a credit card number, the information is then transmitted from their computers modem via local telephone lines to their Internet Service Provider (ISP) and then over the Internet. The order may go to an intermediary or directly to the merchants server. Companies vary as to when they process their credit card details. Some do immediately, while others wait until the product has been shipped out to the customer. Anywhere along that path in which the information travelled, the security of their credit card number may have been compromised. Numerous Internet hackers ?surf? the Internet constantly looking for low security web pages in which to prey on.?An intruder invaded more than 485,000 credit cards and secretly stored the massive database on a U. S. government agencys Web site. While the credit card companies notified financial institutions, the customers were never informed. Many compromised accounts remain open to this day? (Perfectly Private Inc, Shopping Privacy Concerns) This is the main reason why many internet users don?t shop online, as their credit card details could me misused, which results in the customer having to pay for their deceitful act. .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a , .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a .postImageUrl , .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a , .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a:hover , .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a:visited , .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a:active { border:0!important; } .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a:active , .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u27660191ee2f3bf5ef67d8cf6d93e34a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Personal Goals Essay ?Two 18-year-old boys in Wales were arrested after allegedly stealing and distributing 26,000 credit card files from 5 different sites. Estimated losses: $3 million.? (Perfectly Private Inc, Shopping Privacy ConcernsNot only can credit card details be stolen, but also many merchant sites sell and store massive databases of information about each customer they have, compromising the customers? privacy and confidentiality. ?The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) scrutiny of 229 Australian websites uncovered credit card fraud, privacy breaches and poor trading safeguards by e-commerce retailers. ? (Perfectly Private Inc, Shopping Privacy ConcernsMany web sites try to tailor their market towards each individual customer.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Todays Economy Essay Research Paper Are Peoples free essay sample

Todaies Economy Essay, Research Paper Are Peoples? s Good and Bad Habits Making Today? s economic system? An economic system depends upon the production and sale of goods to the consumers. Companies frequently try to take advantage of their consumer? s failings, such as smoke, imbibing intoxicant and drive everyplace. Consumer? s bad wonts frequently cause high monetary values of those goods because they will pay any monetary value to buy the good, frequently out of necessity. Consumer? s good wonts are besides closely watched by companies because everyone in this state has good hygiene wonts and therefore the companies can capitalise greatly on the fact that this society has good healthy wonts. Therefore, people? s good and bad wonts are necessary for the state? s economic system. One can easy believe of many bad wonts that people in our society have and that companies can take advantage of. The first bad wont that comes to mind is smoking. We will write a custom essay sample on Todays Economy Essay Research Paper Are Peoples or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The monetary values of coffin nails are comparatively high and are hooking doing their consumers to pay any monetary value to acquire their coffin nails. A company can besides make a remedy for this bad wont, as many companies have created either spots and gums to contend the dependence of baccy, but they are still taking advantage of our society? s bad wonts, in order to maximise their net incomes. Another bad wont that many companies try to take advantage of is our sweet tooth. They create a immense assortment of confects, french friess, and soda all for our different gustatory sensations. Even people who worry about their wellness, the companies create nonfat carbon monoxide okies and sodium carbonate. Companies find every manner possible to take advantage of people? s failings, in order to have the most money for their merchandises. Companies know what people want and are willing to make anything to derive their concern and increase their net incomes, but the economic system is non ever so inexorable. Companies besides create merchandises for our day-to-day disposal that will be used by more people and cost less to buy, but likely bring forth more net incomes than the goods above bash. People take attention of their dentitions and organic structure, by brushing their dentitions and taking showers every twenty-four hours, in order to avoid illness and trips to the tooth doctor. Many people develop good hygiene from their young person and go on it throughout their life, which makes it profitable for a company to bring forth these goods. Exercise besides is a good wont which is necessary for the economic system. Many persons purchase ranks for fittingness topographic points, diet merchandises and programs, and exercising equipment. All of these points and ranks create money towards the economic system because people want to remain in form and will make anything to remain fit. The wonts of people in the universe are needed to do the economic system expand. These good and bad wonts force many persons to buy points to win in today? s universe. These companies sell goods to do money, they will non bring forth goods unless they know people will purchase them. Companies know their consumers good and bad wonts and seek to work them to the fullest to do the most gain and create necessities for the economic system to go better and stronger.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Watching television is a waste of time Essay Example

Watching television is a waste of time Paper Nowadays, television has become a major part of our lives. Almost every home has a television. In fact, even restaurants, grocery shop, clinics and also mamak stores have televisions as a way to attract customers. We are now a television nation but this is not something that we should be proud of because television is not a vital necessity in our lives. Furthermore, too much television is eating our life away. Watching television is a waste of time. When we watch television, we give it our visual and audio attention and there Is very little we can do while watching television. We may enjoy a snack or two but that only ad up to the television does not allow us to do something else beneficial. A television maybe a source of information but not all that it shows consists of useful information. We will find more beneficial knowledge from books and other resources compared to television, things like sobe opera, telecommersial, entertainment programs are obviously Junk but many of us seem to enjoy feeding on it every day. Besides that, people like students tend to spend too much time on television and forget that they have other responsibility. They will not e a good student when televlslon time has occupied most of their time. Consequently, they will have home works not done, revisions forgotten, project incomplete and soon their great will decline. As a conclusion, watching television maybe a good way to relax our mind but it is never a good thing to overdo the habit. If we spend too much time on television, we will only end up missing out on other good things In life one day. Therefore it is time to switch off the television and start doing something else Instead. Ways of spending leisure time usefully Nowadays. people are getting busier and busier every day. We will write a custom essay sample on Watching television is a waste of time specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Watching television is a waste of time specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Watching television is a waste of time specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We can hardly find time to relax and unwind but when we do, there are plenty of ways to spend our leisure usefully. First of all, doing exercise is one of the beneficial things we can do when we are free. When we exercise, we can maintain our health and strength. Therefore, we will not come sick and tired easily. Besides that, we can use our leisure time to read. Reading Is a good habit because we can Increase knowledge and Improve our language. We became more confident from reading. In addltlon to this, we can try gardening during our free time. Gardening can calm our nerves and beautify our iving surrounding. Therefore, our home can look more beautiful and natural which will further enhance our sense of pleasure. Finally, doing house chores is also one of the beneficial ways to spend our leisure time. We get to understand the hard work and effort needed to maintain appreciate our parents who have been working hard maintaining our home to the tip top condition. As a conclusion, time Is precious, let alone leisure time which are hard to get for some people. Therefore, we must use our time wisely and beneficial so we will not waste our life away. Do you agree watching television is waste of time? Most people agree that television Is one of the most Important Inventions of the past century. Oplnlons vary as to Its value, but no one can deny the great effect that television. I think watching television can be beneficial if we do not abuse using it. Firstly, television is one of the greatest educational tools of all time. Documentary programmes about foreign countries and their inhabitants, instructional programmes on science, medicine, engineering, natural history and many others are all brought to the homes of ordinary people, who without television would have nown very little or nothing about these things. In connection to that, special School Television has been introduced in many parts of the world including Malaysia where Astro broadcast an educational channel specially designed for our schools in collaboration with the Ministry of Education. Teachers can make full use of the channel as a teaching aid since many of the programmes are prepared according to the syllabus taught in schools. In these programmes, instructional tools such as pictures, films, and diagrams are used to greatly add to the knowledge of the pupils. What is the entertainment value of watching television? At best, TV is good form of entertainment which either stimulates or creates an interest in the arts. We can see top line artists cheaply and from comfort of our homes. A concert by Justin Bieber, a movie directed by Steven Spielberg, a tour of Europe visiting all the top draws and an hour with the wild animals from Africa. All these would be beyond the resources of most of us. In the past, movie-going was limited to the rich. Nowadays there are many good movies that can be seen on television with first class actors and actresses. Consequently, access to entertainment becomes more affordable with television. Watching televisions is one of the most popular hobbies for students nowadays. But some peoples said that television is not important modern inventions for students. But most students have the opinion that the television is important and needed. By watching television, it can provide a good source of information. Examples like National Geographic and Animal Planet TVs show. It tells us about world and animals around us, some students cannot understand if there is Just only learn about theory. This channel provides some 3D show like how an animal grows so students can understand it easily. Next, students can watch lives events or news on television. In that time, they could spend more time with family by watching the television together. After that, students could watch interesting programs on TV like dramas, comedy and many more with their family. Means students were not only could explore what is going on around them but they can gain more interested to be with their family from their friends. By watching news or dramas in TV, they could get moral value because every act by ctor in the film, they could be more understanding on why and how to be a good person. Generally, students could fill their time more wisely. Because some students nowadays, they cannot spend their times correctly examples like smoking, loafing gaining frequently nowadays and no wonders, they are lack of moral values and cannot respect anybody that are older than them anymore including their parents. In a nutshell, watching television is not a disaster thing or hobby for students but it was very important for them to gaining more knowledge and new information

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Poverty and Racism essays

Poverty and Racism essays McCullers addresses poverty and racism of the 1930s South and also of the social and economic crisis that encompassed it during that time. The setting took place in a Southern town whose main economy came from cotton and saw mills and the time was during the Great Depression. Coming out in the 1940s, this novel reflected on the intolerance, poverty and isolation of the South. The characters all addressed at least one aspect of the societys cultural system. During this time blacks, Jews, women and poverty stricken people were looked down upon and often times were thought of as inferior by the society they belonged to. These people also put roles upon themselves as seen with Harry Minowitz, a Jewish boy. He had sex with Mick and soon after felt bad and decided to leave town because of the role that he put on himself as a Jewish person. He though what they did was wrong and he couldnt live with the shame of it, so he left the town and pretty much adopted an out of sight out of mind perception (thats what I think happened anyway). The novel addresses gender roles as seen relating to Mick Kelly. As the story starts, she refuses to be pampered like her sisters do to themselves and she refuses to be lady-like. She dressed like a boy and wore shorts and shirts most of the time. At the end of the novel though she conforms to society and goes along with it and wears a dress. The novel also addresses race and economic injustices. Dr. Copeland feels that all African Americans should unite and reform the way things are in the society and how it acts toward them. Jake Blount, an idealistic workingman and social reformer, brings in aspects of Marxism and wanted to change things for the betterment of the working class. Jake Blount, Dr. Copeland and Mick Kelly all propagate toward Mr. Singer. For Jake, he serves as an audience who would listen to his tirades on socialism and economics. Dr. Copeland tries to help his people...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Apple inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Apple inc - Essay Example res and distribute personal computers, cell phones, portable music digital players, software, computer peripherals, related services etc either through third party sellers or its own retail shops. In early 1990s, Apple Inc dominated the market for personal computer with Apple II and gained wider popularity and achieved strong brand reputation with the development of Macintosh. Apple inc employs more than 34,000 employees throughout its manufacturing plants, own retail stores, offices worldwide and offers wide ranges of technology products and services such as iPods, iPhone, 3G iPhone, iTune, iMusic, iTune, iLife etc. Apple Inc, especially among its major competitors such as Acer, Fujitsu, Dell, HP, IBM, Lenovo, Nokia, Motorola Corp, etc, remains to possess higher competitive advantages since it thrives largely on innovation and has proved greater success with product differentiation in its concerned markets. It operates through more than 350 Apple’s stores worldwide and all of these stores are renowned for its very successful and unique marketing strategy of ‘Own-store retailing’. Apple’s stores continue to add advantages to company’s customer loyalty since these stores attract millions of customers to it as they are provided with customer services, technology-assistance, troubleshooting, fun, gaming, kids’ corner etc. In the first quarter of 2011, Apple reported a 23 percent increase in its total sales exhibiting the total revenues to be $26.74 billion and $ 3.38 billion as the net profit for the same quarter. Most companies become highly admired among its public due to the values that its customers perceive it to be of the highest quality and uniqueness. When it comes to Apple, the company always thrives on innovation, technology and product differentiation. The way Apple designed its products, they style it named them, the way they marketed as well attracted customers and created a positive marketing zeal among their minds. When hundreds of cell

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Economic Efficiency of Green Buildings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Economic Efficiency of Green Buildings - Essay Example We can get information about the environmental performance of CASBEE certified buildings by accessing their certification reports. Also, the cash flow information about some CASBEE buildings, which are owned by real estate investment trusts, is available in their respective financial reports. An analysis to segregate conventional and green buildings was first conducted on all properties held by the Japanese Real Estate Investment Trusts (J-REITs). The data for properties were collected based on the latest financial reports as of March 2011. It was found that out of total 1822 properties held by 35 REITs, 23 are CASBEE certified buildings (Table 1). For further analysis then, the 1799 in-CASBEE certified building was considered as conventional, the 23 CASBEE certified buildings were considered as â€Å"green buildings â€Å" for the purposes of this analysis. To determine economic performance, one can use the capitalization rate, calculated by dividing the net operating income by the appraisal value. The capitalization rate is the rate of return on investment, which is commonly used by investors to determine profitability. The first analysis was conducted in order to determine if there is a dissimilarity of capitalization rate between CASBEE certified buildings (green buildings) and non-certified buildings (conventional buildings). Table 2 represents basic statistical information such as sample size, mean, standard deviations, and standard error mean for both the dataset. The test statistic of the test of the difference between two population means depends on whether or not this hypothesis is rejected. Since this output, the result shows that p-value 0.052 > significance level 0.05, this hypothesis cannot be rejected. Therefore, we can conclude that the populations have equal variances. â€Å"Hypothesis Ho: the population means of the two groups are equal†.  Ã‚  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Organisation business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Organisation business - Essay Example Emotional intelligence is largely promoted and touted to be the key to success in contemporary times, since it is all about retaining balance of self and reacting intelligently rather than emotionally, to any given situation at the work place. The power of emotional intelligence and its impact on employees’ work performance has been discussed and widely debated over the years (Homans, 1950; Rothlisberger & Dickson, 1939). However the relationship between the two has been recognized and acknowledged by researchers and organizations alike, only recently (Ashkanasy, Zerbe & Hartel, 2005). It has often been observed that not all employees are equally skilled at team work, and successful in leading or dealing with other employees. The concept of emotional intelligence can be used by managers, to unravel the mystery behind the failure of apparently intelligent employees with great credentials and strong academic and cognitive skills to perform at work (Murphy, 2006). It has been est ablished through various research that there is a direct relationship between emotional intelligence and the failure of employees at managerial positions to perform adequately at work (Lombardo, Ruderman, & McCauley, 1988, 199-216). The interest and literature on the concept of emotional intelligence is growing, with fair amount of evidence about its impact on job performance. The same can be utilized by the management while hiring, so that the right kind of employees with higher emotional intelligence can be hired for managerial positions. Although there is mounting evidence regarding the significance and relevance of ‘emotional intelligence’ on employees’ job performance, there are fair amount of criticisms of the concept, as well (Matthews, Zeidner, & Roberts, 2002; Landy, 2005, 411-424; Locke, 2005, 425-431). The same has been discussed in the subsequent sections. Definitions of emotional intelligence: According to Wharam (2009, 11), Emotional Intelligence is : â€Å"The potential to be aware of and use one's own emotions in communication with oneself and others and to manage and motivate oneself and others through understanding emotions† According to Jones (2006, 412) Emotional Intelligence entails the use of insight and balance of self, in decision making. It helps individuals in attending to problems or critical organizations situations an intelligent way; establish and improve better contacts and relationships within the organizations; help in motivating people around them skill-fully; manage themselves effectively in stressful situations by staying calm and focused and create positive emotions such as hope and compassion while dealing in stressful environment, thus encouraging people to develop a positive vision and attitudes. According to Salovey et al., (2004, 31): Emotional intelligence refers to "the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth". The key characteristics of Emotional intelligence as observed from the above definitions include: awareness of self; ability to manage and control one's emotions; the ability to use such self-control and direct it towards attainment of organizational goals; identify the emotions of other employees at work and motivate them - alternatively

Friday, November 15, 2019

Plain, Honest Men: The Making of the Constitution Analysis

Plain, Honest Men: The Making of the Constitution Analysis Plain, Honest Men: The Making of the Constitution. By Richard Beeman (New York: Random House) 2009. xxviii + 514 pp. Hardcover, $30.00. ISBN 9781400065707. Richard Beemans book, Plain, Honest Men is a chronological narrative about the day-to-day interactions of the men who made up the Constitutional Convention in 1787. Beeman takes special care in developing the characteristics and personalities of the delegates and explores how their moods, their personal interests, and the hot weather helped to shape the lively debates over the creation of the Constitution. He explores the personal relationships, marriages, and the physical and intellectual idiosyncrasies of the Founding Fathers. Beeman depicts the Framers in a variety of ways. Some of the men were savvy, while others were inept. Some smart and others just mediocre. Some individuals were sophisticated while others were just plain vulgar. Many were quite generous, but others were intensely narcissistic. Beeman characterizes James Madison as being an indispensable but reticent thinker who was incapable of any great oratory or sustained relationships. The author focuses on the issues such as the presidency, slavery, and the necessary and proper clause. On the issue of slavery, Beeman states that for the delegates, it was not the central issue at stake in the making of the American Constitution.[1] The author depicts the angry arguments over representation and its connection to slavery, which Beeman refers to as Bernard DeVotos paradox at the nations core.[2] According to the author, many delegates expressed aversion to slavery, but it was beyond them to conclude a way to abolish slavery without catastrophic consequences to the delicate union. Beeman reconstructs the relationships between Washington and Madison and their intelligent and influential female friends such as Elizabeth Powell, who was the wife of Philadelphias mayor, and also had strong political opinions of her own. Beeman describes George Washington as towering above other men and being reserved in nature. Benjamin Franklin is characterized as being jovial and James Madison as being diminutive. The author portrays Madison as arriving from Virginia with a detailed plan of government that entailed completely scrapping the Articles of Confederation and starting from scratch. William Paterson of New Jersey was balding and of an angry disposition, and yet he spoke his way to distinction as the spokesman of the small states and was resolute to challenge his neighbors in the larger states like New York and Pennsylvania. Roger Sherman was a former shoemaker from Connecticut who overcame his bashful rural persona to become the voice of compromise which soon gained the respect of all convention attendees. Sherman was instrumental in creating the compromise that relinquished some states rights by apportioning the House of Representatives on the basis of population and allowing for equal representation among states in the Senate. Gouverneur Morris, formerly of New York but currently resided in Pennsylvania, had a peg leg and whose arrogance and often careless rhetoric often alienated the other delegates, was a hypnotic speaker. In creating these personalities, he is aware of the confines of his source material. The records of this period were kept by men who most assuredly had partisan agendas and male-controlled receptivity. The book begins with the final days of the Revolution. Congress is bankrupt, the army has turned mutinous because of lack of pay, and the thirteen states do not get along. Daniel Shays, a discontented former army captain, leads his own rebellion in western Massachusetts. Representatives from both the north and the south believe the Articles of Confederation are not working and need to undergo some revisions; therefore, they agree to meet in Philadelphia the summer of 1787. This book is written for general audiences as well as supplemental reading for classroom teachers. In an effort to ensure the reader does not fall into boredom while reading the narrative, Beeman has added peripheral information to keep the readers attention. For example, he adds such trivia as the fact that the State House yard privy had sixteen seats and was divided into four compartments[3], a Philadelphia prostitute charged two dollars[4], and the delegates had beer, bread, and butter for breakfast[5]. The author makes use of both primary and secondary sources. He uses Madisons notes and the papers kept by Hamilton, Madison, and George Washington. Beeman also includes information collected by the Independence National Historic Park to assemble an accurate and authoritative account of the participants of the Constitutional Convention. The books title comes from a remark made by delegate and financier Roger Morris, who viewed the results of the Constitutional Convention as the work of plain, honest men. His important message is that our Founding Fathers could be both realists and idealists. The debates over slavery were the results of the limitations of educated men, who possessed a vision of what effective governance might bear a resemblance to but could not imagine extending the same rights to slaves as citizens. In writing Plain, Honest Men, Beeman avoids controversial issues such as the economic motives of the Founding Fathers and provides readers with an understanding of the fra gility of the consensus emerging from Philadelphia. Richard Beeman is considered by scholars to be an authority on the United States Constitution. He played a leading role in the creation of the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia and has served as vice-chair of its Distinguished Scholars Panel. Beeman has a vast knowledge of the era and is a noted historian of the late 18th century. [1] Plain, Honest Men: The Making of the Constitution. By Richard Beeman, xii. [2] Ibid, xii. [3] Ibid, 63. [4] Ibid, 74. [5] Ibid, 78.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Freud And Marx :: Sigmund Freud Karl Marx compare Essays

Freud and Marx   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Freud and Marx it can be argued were both, as individuals, dissatisfied with their societies. Marx more plainly than Freud, but Freud can also be seen as discontent in certain aspects such as his cynical view of human nature. Each were great thinkers and philosophers, but both seemed unhappy. Perhaps the social ills and trouble each perceived in the world about them were only the reflections of what each of the thinkers held within themselves. Each person observes the same world, but each of us interprets that information in a different way. They both saw the world as being injust or base. Each understood the disfunctions in society as being caused by some aspect of human greed or other similar instinct. They did however, disagree on what the vehicle for these instincts' corrupting influences are. Freud claimed that tension caused by the stuggle to repress anti-social instincts eventually was released and caused the social evils he observed. Marx also saw instincts at work but not the tensions and Id that Freud saw, Marx simply credited man's greed and the subsequent oppression of other men as the root to all that was wrong with civilization. It is interesting to note that both Freud and Marx saw conflict but each traced it back to sources each was respectively educated in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Freud was a Psychoanalyst and his understanding of the mind was very conflict oriented. He saw man as a kind of glorified animal who had the same desires and needs as any other animal. The only true difference between the human-animal and other animals was that the human-animal possessed an intellect. Freud divided man's psyche into three parts, the Id, Ego, and SuperEgo. What differed the human-animal from any other animal was the SuperEgo, which arose from man's intellect. The Super-Ego as Freud theorised it is the values of one's parents internalised. He went further to then explain that unhappiness in life is caused by the conflict between the Id and the SuperEgo. As stated, all of Frued's philosophy was very conflict oriented so it is not difficult to understand then how Freud applied this view macrocosmically to society as a whole.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Freud addressed this in his essay, "Civilization and It's Discontents". In it, Freud claimed that civilizations are developed through the channeling of anti-social erotic and aggressive urges into constructive outlets. He went further and explained that social ills are caused by those members of society who are not satisfied with the substitutes supplied by the channelling of anti- social instincts into social creative energies. Such repression causes a certain tension which after awhile cannot be repressed and is released in socially

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Problems and Prospects of the Chongming Dontan Ramsar Site

Name: Su Zhelong UtasNum: 144362 SOUNum: 0991340 Word Count: 1846 KGA 378 Long Essay: Pressures, Problems and Prospects of the Chongming Dontan Ramsar Site I. Introduction From the pre-industrial period to post-industrial period, the problems caused by environment deterioration always come with the great economic growth and significant technical promotion. To equilibrate social development and environmental health puzzles people all over the world at present while poverty still affect one fifth of human population after the population explosion and accelerating urbanization.The contradiction typically occurs in the coastal zones, which are under the pressure from population growth, pollution, over-exploitation of resources and habitat degradation due to these areas hold approximately half of the world’s population. In China, the whole country is fueled by â€Å"powerful social and economic forces† that are â€Å"promoting individual development and land reclamationâ₠¬  (Yang, 1999; Yang et al. , 2001 cited in Zhao et al. , 2004). This author focused on the Chongming Dongtan Ramsar Site as a case to discuss its pressures, problems and prospects in the development dilemma of the changing world.Chongming Island is the third largest island in China(1200km2) and the largest alluvial island in the world that located in north of Shanghai city. As a migratory staging and wintering site for millions of birds and spawning and feeding grounds for 63 species of fish, Chongming Dongtan provides important ecological services with its extraordinary resources. (Zhao et al. , 2004) The essay used SWOT analysis process to evaluate the ecological situation of Chongming Dongtan Ramsar Site, therefore, the article discussed this issue from four main aspects: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.II. SWOT Analysis: Strengths The strengths of Chongming Dongtan Ramsar site can be concluded as three respects: geographic advantages, abundant resources and bi ological diversity. Firstly, the Chongming Dongtan is the most large-scaled and well-developed tidal wetland and the mouth of the river. It is located in the easternmost Chongming Island that formed by the sediment accumulation from the runoff of Yangzi River. Moreover, the Dongtan is still increasing in size by about 500 ha annually to the East Ocean through the deposition of sand. (Zhao et al. 2004) This position, the coastal area in the center of Yangzi Delta, is the midpoint along the only way that must be passed of migratory birds in Pacific Asia that many birds stop here to take rest and food when they pass by in spring and summer. Besides, it is also a wintering site for millions of birds because of its moderate climate (Shi et al. , 2001). Secondly, the extensive tidal-flat area and hierarchical distribution make the Dongtan rich in both inorganic and organic resources. The luxuriant aquatic plant and massive plankton provide adequate food for birds and reptiles.As a habitat , especially in winter, the widely flourishingly growing reed is very suitable to perch and hatch for birds. Lastly, the Dongtan site has amazing biological diversity that 63 species of fish including the rare animal which is on the verge of extinction – Chinese sturgeon and 108 species of migratory birds. The total number of the birds aggregates three million which is the tenth of China and quarter of Shanghai area. III. SWOT Analysis: Weaknesses Since 1960s the Chinese, both government and civilians, started to exploit the Chongming Island, the total annual ecosystem service values in Dongtan keep declining until today.Especially after the reform and open, the fast industrialization and economic development accelerate the environmental degradation in Dongtan. Just between 1990 and 2000, the total ecosystem service values had reduced 62%, which was largerly attributable to the 71% loss of wetlands and tidal flats. (Zhao et al. , 2004) According to relative research, the main reasons, also the weakness, of Dongtan are mostly from two aspects: the depletion caused by overdevelopment and inning and the water discharge pollution. From 1964 to 2001, there were more than 20 times of inning activity that occupied over 14198. hm. The inning activities becomes increasingly frequent and large-scaled that result in the wetlands/tidal flats shrunk from 12,432 ha in 1990 to 7915ha in 1997, and 3856 ha in 2000. In contrast, the orchard /plant nursery had increased from 80 ha in 1990 to 3863 ha in 2000. (Zhao et al. , 2004) The detailed situation of land structure changes had been listed in the following tables: Tables from Zhao B. , Kreuter U. , Li B. , Ma Z. , Chen J. & Nakagoshi N. , 2004, An Ecosystem Service Value Assessment of Land-use Change on Chongming Island, China, Land Use Policy, Volume 21, pages 139-148.In addition, the reed regions area fell off from 2039. 78 hm to 810. 17 hm and the salt marsh area decreased from 539. 27 hm to 391. 43 hm. Influenced b y the changes, many birds are forced to leave the original habitat so that the total number of birds dropped with the tidal reduction. These irrational distributions of land use broke up the ecosystem balance and caused high rate of environmental services loss that will bring serious negative ecological consequences in long term. The shortsighted activities will finally limit the development of the area and lead to economically costly outcomes.The other weakness of Dongtan site is the water quality degradation because of the sewage discharge. There are 16 township enterprises use 166. 67 tidal lands to initiate ship dismantlement factories, which produced serious water pollution with waste oil and Toxic chemical substances that make the large-area reed withered or dead. Particularly in the combined concentrated sewage discharge outlets, the water quality of both the intertidal and offshore was polluted by the heavy metal contamination and organic pollution (PAHs and LABs). Shi et al . , 2001) from almost three million m3 sewage per day is discharged to the coastal zone water body. Compared with the industrial centralized sewage discharge, the non-point pollution from urban runoff, agriculture and aquaculture contributes much more significant percentage of the total pollution. Despite these two factors, poaching activities and wetland grazing also wreck the environmental heath of Dongtan site in different degrees. IV. SWOT Analysis: OpportunitiesIn 1992, the Chongming Dongtan had been put in the Chinese Protected Wetland Dictionary while it was brought into The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance and other international important wetland lists. The Dongtan sites undertake the functions of environmental damage resisting, environment purifying and maintain the biological diversity. Due to its great meaning for sustainable development of multiple regions, the Shanghai City made decisions of constructing Chongming Island into the largest ecolog ical island in China.The Chongming Dongtan Wetland Nature Protection Area, Chongming Dongtan Migratory Birds Nature Protection Area of Shanghai and Chongming Dongtan Wetland Park had been established in succession. The foundation of these protection areas will effectively retard the environmental degradation in Dongtan site and promote the environmental quality through policy and integrated management. At the same time, in order to lighten the pressure of exploit on the wetland, the government has built a convenient communication network to stimulate the tourist industry and economic growth.The overall plan of Dongtan transport system development has four parts: * Freeway traffic: the G40 line, important part of national highway network that connects East China and North China, will cross the Chongming Island through Shanghai Yangzi River Tunnel; * Rail transit: the subway 9th line will reach the Chengjia Town in Chongming Island across the Yangzi River; * Water traffic: dork constr uction along the south band of the Yangzi River; * Air traffic: the parking apron for helicopter in the International Forum Island, which is in the south of Dongtan Avenue, has been built already.To deal with the water pollution from sewage discharge, the Chongming ecological construction plan states that the wetland sewage treatment project is under building. This project aims to concentrate both industrial and sanitary sewage to purge before discharge to improve the water quality of the area. Three of the 9 programmed sewage disposal works had been accomplished and come into service. The total sewage treatment system includes sewage collection network, preprocessing system and artificial wetland processing system. The treated water can be directly discharge into the farmland or irrigate plants.This sewage treatment system can handle 6 million tons of water per day that is the biggest sewage disposal work in Chongming Island. V. SWOT Analysis: Threats The last section is to analysi s the potential problems or threats to the future development of the Chongming Dongtan Ramsar Site. As the arguer had mentioned before, the Chongming Dongtan is formed by the sand sedimentation from the water flow of the Yangzi River. Thus the area of the wetland/tidal flats still keeps increasing because the sedimentation process continues to bring solid matter.However, the water conservancy construction in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, like the Three Gorges Hydropower Station and . projects to divert water from the south to the north, substantially diminishes the sediment charge of the current while the water flow does not change. Less sediment concentration slows down the speed of wetland and tidal flats increasing. Corresponding, affected by the storm surge, many coastal areas have been widespread eroded. The problem will become more and more serious if no measures are taken.Every year, thousands of fishing vessels gather from different provinces to Chongming Dongtan t o fish for eels. The massive fishery activity invades and occupies the habitat of birds and brings significant pollution like noise of motor and engine oil. The geese and ducks overwintering has been serious disturbed that they could not foraging and perch safely and peacefully. The frail ecosystem that is lack of unified management has been wantonly destroyed from the immoderate seining. (Yin, Jiang & Li, 2008)In addition, the local plants like scirpus mariqueter and reed provide necessary food and habitat for migratory birds. Notwithstanding, the invasive alien species like spartina is growing in extreme abundance and snatching resources from local plants while these invasive alien species cannot take place of the local plants’ functions. (Yuan et al. , 2003) Therefore, if the reed has be instead of the invasive alien species, the species and quantity of the bird will sharply decrease thus the environmental services of tidal flats are not functioning properly.VI. Conclusion In conclusion, after the SWOT analysis of the Chongming Dongtan Ramsar Site, the author had summarized the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The pressures of the Dongtan mostly come from over exploit, resource depletion and human-made pollution from many aspects especially the sewage discharge. The reduction of wetlands/tidal flats caused by enclose tideland for cultivation and less sediment concentration in water flow of Yangzi River and immoderate seining are the major problems for the protection area.However, a number of measures taken by the government of Shanghai City, for instance, the foundation of three natural protection areas, integrated high speed communication network and sewage treatment works, will make remarkable difference to the present situation. The author considered the poor management of Dongtan site as the primary restriction to limit its development. Thus, applying the integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) will be a proper solution to deve lop and protect the Dongtan and its resources.By uniforming a common objective of national and local authorities, the ICZM will promote the way of coastal area using and balance the demands from natural, economic, cultural and social needs. (Shi et al. , 2001) VII. Reference O? Connell M. , 2000. , Threats to Waterbirds and Wetlands: Implications for Conservation, Inventory and Research, Wildfowl, Volume 51, pages 1-15. Shi C. , Hutchinson S. M. , Yu L. & Xu S. , 2001, Towards a Sustainable Coast: An Integrated Coastal Zone Management Framework for Shanghai, People? Republic of China, Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 44, pages 411-427. Tian B. , Zhang L. , Wang X. , Zhou Y. & Zhang W. , 2010, Forecasting the effects of sea-level rise at Chongming Dongtan Nature Reserve in the Yangtze Delta, Shanghai, China, Available at: http://www. sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S0925857410001709 [Access at May 15th 2012] Yin H. , Jiang W. & Li J. , 2008, Simulation of Non-Point Pollutant s Evolution in Coastal Plain Island-A Case Study of Chongming Island, Available at: http://www. sciencedirect. om/science/article/pii/S1001605808600530 [Access at May 15th 2012] Yuan W. , James P. , Hodgson K. , Hutchinson S. M. & Shi C. , 2003, Development of sustainability indicators by communities in China: a case study of Chongming County, Shanghai, Available at: http://www. sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S030147970300063X [Access at May 15th 2012] Zhao B. , Kreuter U. , Li B. , Ma Z. , Chen J. & Nakagoshi N. , 2004, An Ecosystem Service Value Assessment of Land-use Change on Chongming Island, China, Land Use Policy, Volume 21, pages 139-148.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Applying Sentence Variety Strategies To Your Writing

Applying Sentence Variety Strategies To Your Writing Strategies Of Sentence Variety A professional writer or a student, who needs to complete an essay, is scared of repetitive and difficult to read sentences. Remember the times, when the sentences seemed to be smooth in the process but turned out completely choppy in the result? That is why it is so important to read every work carefully, making all the necessary changes before submitting it. When you proofread your work, you can apply one of the multiple strategies of sentence variety and make the text understandable and clear. Such strategies are crucial if you want to create your own writing style and to show your personality. In this article, you will get familiar with sentence variety strategies and will be able to improve your writing. Evaluate sentence variety When you are writing a college assignment, an article or any other paper you don’t pay much attention to sentence structure and style, because it is very distracting and may influence creativity. That is why it is better to implement the strategy of sentence variety on the editing stage. It should consider the beginnings of your sentences, their type and lengths. Take a separate piece of paper and make three columns: Opening words of every sentence; Quantity of words in every sentence. To save time, don’t count the words on your own. Just select the sentence and use a built-in MS Word feature, called the Word Count; Types of sentences you have used. For example, affirmative, interrogative, exclamatory, etc. These three columns will be very helpful in identifying various problems. For example, too long sentences, repetitive information, wrong sentence types and so on. Once this stage is completed, you can apply one of the strategies, which are stated below. Include long and short sentences to change the rhythm If you write several sentences or even a whole paragraph of the same length, it may seem quite difficult to read. You risk of making the text monotonous. That is why it is better to include long and short sentences to make the text lively and fresh. Example: Michael became a book club member to discuss classical literature. He thought he would read Crime and Punishment, War and Peace and other famous books. However, he was very disappointed to find out that no one else read the book and that club’s members were simply gossiping. He went home not being able to discuss the book he has read and was very sad for expecting so much from the meeting. Revised version: Michael became a book club member to discuss classical literature like Crime and Punishment, War and Peace and other famous books. He realized, however, that no one has read them. Michael discovered that other members haven’t read the chosen book and were simply gossiping, that is why he decided to go home not being able to discuss the book he has read. It was pure disappointment. Sentence openings If many sentences start with a certain word, like The, This, I, It and so on, a common reader will find the work quite boring. You can prevent it simply by altering the beginning of your sentences. Example: Mark fell off his bike. Revised: After leaving his home, Mark fell off the bike. Clumsily, Mark fell off his bike. On the way to school, Mark fell off the bike. While heading to school, Mark fell off the bike. Types of sentences There are four main categories of sentences in English. They are based on dependent and independent clauses inside a certain sentence. Being able to distinguish different sentence types helps with adding complexity and variation to the assignment. Sentence types include: One independent and no dependent clause. For example, I like vanilla ice-cream; Several independent and no dependent clauses. For example, The dog barked and frightened the boy, and he ran away screaming; One independent and minimum one dependent clause. For example, Anna left when her husband arrived; Complex-compound. Several independent and minimum one dependent clause. She decided that the book was too scary but her daughter, who likes such stories, thought that her mother was wrong. Alter short sentences Although it is thought that short sentences are easier to understand, it is not always correct. If the text consists of many short and choppy sentences, the rhythm of the paper becomes unclear and the reading flow is greatly disturbed. If you want to fix the situation, follow these tips: Include conjunctions by joining your sentences with and, or, but, nor, yet, for, so. Example: Maria is a true adventurer. She goes hiking very often. Revised: Maria is a true adventurer and she often goes hiking. Connect two related sentences using the following connectors: unless, until, whether, whereas, since, that, even though, rather than, although, before, as, after, because. Example: Mark loves movies. He goes to the movie theater every Friday. Revised: Mark loves movies, that is why he goes to the movie theater every Friday. When you are working on a particular topic, it is quite easy to repeat sentences by accident. Such sentences, as well as many other typical mistakes, greatly contribute to monotonous works and lead to losing interest in the reading. To solve such a problem, use the following techniques: Using relative pronouns. Build one sentence inside another one, using which, that, who, whose, whoever. Example: Our lab work failed because of American citizens seem to face addiction problems Murphy’s Law. It states that if something might go wrong, it surely will. Revised: Our lab work failed because of Murphy’s Law that states if something might go wrong, it surely will. Include participles. Instead of using forms of the ‘to be’ verb, include present and past participles. Example: Anna was terrified to see the man lying on the pavement. She immediately called 911. Revised: Terrified to see the man lying on the pavement, Anna immediately called 911. Using prepositions. You can turn your sentence in a prepositional one, using such words as with, up, under, over, off, from, except, down, despite, after, behind, beneath, across, down, etc. Example: Jason used his father’s phone to call his girlfriend. This was surely against the rules. Revised: Against father’s rules, Jason used his phone to call his girlfriend. How to change sentences with similar rhythms and patterns Even an outstanding paper can seem quite boring if the sentences are of a similar pattern or rhythm. However, such a problem can be easily solved. Here are the best techniques: Using dependent markers. Don’t start every sentence with a subject. Instead, use phrases and clauses, like even if, because, before, whether, whenever, although, unless, in order to, until, after, though. Example: The room went completely silent when Anna, the Duchess, entered the room. Revised: When Anna, the Duchess, entered the room, it went completely silent. Using transitional verbs or phrases. To improve the sentence’s rhythm, you can use transitional verbs in the beginning. They include after all, accordingly, meanwhile, consequently, however, regardless, but, otherwise and many others. Example: Pharmaceutical producers are often focused on creating dependent drugs that have only a temporary effect on insomnia. American citizens seem to face addiction problems. Revised: producers are often focused on creating dependent drugs that have only a temporary effect on insomnia. Consequently, American citizens seem to face addiction problems.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Legalizing Marijuana essays

Legalizing Marijuana essays The earliest knowledge we have of marijuana comes from the Chinese around 3750 B.C. (A Brief History of Marijuana Prohibition par 1). A philosopher and farmer by the name of Shen Nung showed the Chinese how to use the oil and seeds for food and how to make rope and clothing from hemp. When Shen Nung became a mighty emperor, he created a book of medical knowledge. For thousands of years later, resinous cannabis extracts were used as real medicines. The idea of prohibiting marijuana is an ancient idea as well. The catholic empire saw the medical treatment as witchcraft and anyone who betrayed the law was put at risk to be burnt at the stake. Since 1937, the entire cannabis hemp plant has been illegal in the United States. In the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, medical marijuana was fairly common. It was the second and third most used medicine in America by those just born to those in their old age (A Brief History of Marijuana Prohibition par 5). In 1937, the treasury department sent a draft of the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 to congress. All cannabis plant substances were made illegal for social use. Marijuana was still recognized for its medical value; it just requited physicians, dentists, and other doctors to pay one dollar per year to continue prescribing the medicine. The pharmacists who dispensed the drug had to pay fifteen dollars, the growers twenty-five dollars, and the importers fifty dollars per year. Marijuana gained a reputation as an awful intoxicant by the government and was seen as a plant that was smuggled by violent immigrants (Why Legalize? par 3). Commissioner Anslinger said Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death (History of the Non-Medical Use of Drugs in the United States). More laws were passed making the penalty harsher for those with the drug in their possession. Consideration for re-legalizing the drug was denie...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Stelios Haji And Him Air Carrier and Essay

Stelios Haji And Him Air Carrier and - Essay Example Another year after easyCar was the fastest growing car Rental Company in Europe. Pleased with the exceptional performance of the company, Stelios resorted to an expansion mode. Two new sites each week in 2003-04 were targeted as the goal and to allow fresh inflow of capital, an IPO (Initial Public Offering) policy worth 250 million pounds was planned. At the beginning of the year 2003, easyCar already opened its outlets in 17 cities across five European countries (Lawrence and Solis, 2004). Stelios is one of the most flamboyant entrepreneurs of Europe picked up the pulse of the European consumers rightly. With the presence of car rental companies like Avis, Europcar, and Hertz, launching a rental car company and making the profit was not an easy task. Stelios realized the necessity of pulling something exceptional out of the scratches. From the very beginning, the emphasis of was to cut operating cost and provide its customers a unique price band in terms of its low level and unmatchable by any other organization operating in the market. Stelios also concentrated on product differentiation, as he understood that a perfect blend of the lower price with higher luxury (Dudik, 2000) could only make easyCar survive in the market. Moreover, the cost cut needs to be done in every aspect. As mentioned earlier that cost cut and thereby providing the customers a cheaper price is the main business strategy of This cost cut has been achieved through a combination of four strategies, namely, locational strategy, operational strategy, and informational strategy. At the beginning of the year 2003 among the 55 sites spread in 17 cities across 5 European countries, only 9 were near the airport. The rest were either a railway station or a bus stop. Leasing land to open a site is far costlier near an airport than near a railway station or a bus stop.

Friday, November 1, 2019

The influence of family structure and parenting styles on family Essay

The influence of family structure and parenting styles on family members and their behavior in society - Essay Example Children may belong to more than one residential group, for instance. Even if they do not, close family members (most often the father) who continue to play an important role in their children's life may not reside in the same household. Instead of viewing parent as forming a unit, we look at them as two individuals whose conjugal and parental life courses meet for a period of time, during which a child is conceived. The child's family life course is then dependant on whether or not parents continue to follow the same path, or whether they decide to go their separate ways - an event that occurs for some children even before their birth. Family structure implies solidity and permanence, and leads implicitly to the idea that children spend their lives in a given family type: intact, lone-parent or stepfamily. As a result, a large body of research has looked at the impact on children of "growing up" in a lone-parent or stepfamily, without taking into account that relatively few children do in fact spend their entire childhood in one of these family types. The family structure perspective groups all families of the same type " type" into a single category ignoring the events leading up to the formation of the family. More and earlier parental separation means that close and significant family members do not necessarily live in the same household; the analysis of children's family experience, therefore, has to extend beyond the residential group. Parenting is a complex activity that includes many specific behaviors that mark individually and together to influence child outcomes. The construct of parenting style is used to capture normal variations in parents' attempts to control and socialize their children. Parents may differ in how they try to control or socialize their children and the extend in which they do so, it is assumed the primary role of all parents is to influence, teach, and control their children. Parenting style captures two important elements of parenting : Parental responsiveness and parental demandingness. Parental responsiveness refers to the extent to which parents intentionally faster individuality, self-regulation, and self-assertion by being attuned, supportive and acquiescent to children's special needs and demands. Parental demandingness refers to the claims parents make on children to become integrated into the family whole by their maturity demands, supervision, disciplinary efforts and willingness to confront the child who disobeys. Categorizing parents according to whether they are high or low on parental demandingness and responsiveness creates a typology of parenting styles; reflecting different naturally accruing patterns of parental values, practices and behaviors. 1. Indulgent parents are more responsive than demanding. They are non-traditional and lenient, do not require mature behavior, allow considerable self-regulation and avoid confrontation. 2. Authoritarian parent are highly demanding and directive, but not responsive. They are obedience and status oriented, and expect their orders to be obeyed without explanation. 3. Authoritative parents are both demanding and responsive. They monitor and impart clear standards for their children's conduct. They want

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Andres Serrano Ana Mendieta's Artworks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Andres Serrano Ana Mendieta's Artworks - Essay Example Apart from this to capture art he travels with his equipment to the most mundane places and picks up his subjects randomly yet always creating a stir (Ontani, 2000). By carrying his photographic background paper and lights in New York subways he was able to capture the homeless in their bedraggled clothes .His most recent shows contained another example of this fashion in which he photographed couples in Bizarre way and although caught in tender moments yet were provocative which Adrian Searle of the Guardian described as a "young couple, she with a strap on dildo he with a mildly expectant expression (Nairne & Howgate, 2006)". Many of his works have received much controversy especially true was in the case of Piss Christ which is a photograph of the crucifix submerged in a glass of his own urine. There are other works that too are subjected to the submerged forms of bodily fluids. Yet it is to be observed that although the much contrived Piss Christ was not appreciated when first exhibited it nevertheless sold for $ 162,000 in 1999 in a London Museum and was originally estimated at $20,000- $30,000. Still many slandered him for producing offensive art but nevertheless he got scot-free from circles who believed in artistic freedom (Stilles and Selz, 1995). Expression In Art Serranos work has received a lot of criticism it has been labeled notorious, lurid, offensive, at one point yet on the other it has also gained popularity and is famous .What makes him popular and notorious at the same time is the fact that perhaps he picks up controversial subjects for his work and has a provocative mind for the application of contrasting beautiful serene images with offensive material (Cahan & Kocur, 1996). To the mind of Serrano what at one instant is pure is also containing the darker side to it as well. There is always a twist to the most ordinary and leaves one to wonder if not everything is not as we have always imagined but there is more to it than just what we had always imagined. Applications Of Seranos Work Some of his most famous works are seen as Blood and Semen III on metal band Metallica's " load" Piss and Blood is used on Metallica's "Re Load" Indirect Approach: Serrano's has a very indirect approach to all his art work and he utilizes this in a very cool and subtle manner. Much of his mature work began as early as in the 80's. His focus initially remained mainly on catholic iconography. However he soon turned his attention to be more taboo stuff. This included his use of bodily fluids for his artwork. For much of his creations he received death threats and hate mails. Yet this did not deter the artist in the least and he remained focused on his work as before. The fuss created for his artwork only resulted in the increase of price of his work pieces. Piss Christ It is a 30 by 40 inch color photograph of the crucifix in which the artist has submerged it in the body fluid semen. This piece of art met many disagreeable circles who voiced their opinions very openly calling him a

Monday, October 28, 2019

Phoenix Agency Roanoke Branch Essay Example for Free

Phoenix Agency Roanoke Branch Essay A parasitic disease is defined as any disease resulting from the presence of any life cycle stage of parasite. Cheyletiella are mites that live on the skin, causing irritation, dandruff, and itchiness. A distinguishing feature of this mite species are the large, claw-like mouth parts. These mites can be found quite commonly on cats, dogs, rabbits, and other species. Though humans are not a natural host for this parasite, Cheyletiella mites can happily live on humans for a while, causing an itchy rash. Cheyletiella parasitovorax, also known as walking dandruff, is a mild dermatitis caused by fur mites in rabbits. It’s often referred to as walking dandruff as the mite can sometimes be seen moving under the dandruff scales. It is primarily transmitted by direct contact between infested and non-infested rabbits. The mites can survive in the environment for several days, so spread may also occur through contaminated hay or bedding. The presence of fur mites is not always easy to determine. When present, Cheyletiella parasitovorax is most likely to be found on the dorsum and neck of the rabbit. Signs and symptoms include thinning of the hair over the shoulders and back, red oily hairless patches over the back and head, dandruff, and mild-to-moderate pruritus. Rabbits may not show any signs of infestation. Though sometimes Cheyletiella mites can be seen moving about on the skin, in many cases they can be quite difficult to find . Diagnosis is made by identification of the mite. This may be possible with the naked eye or using a magnifying glass in heavier infestations. In other cases it may be necessary to examine hair or skin scrapings under a microscope. Examining dandruff, hairs or scrapings of the skin under the microscope can positively identify the mites or eggs. By combing the coat of an infested rabbit over a piece of black paper and observing the paper for â€Å"moving dandruff is another way a diagnosis is made. There are several different treatments available. The veterinarian usually determines which one is best for the rabbit. Most commonly treatment involves a course of either injections or spot on treatments. Dips in lime sulfur and injections of ivermectin have been used to treat an infestation with these mites. The rabbit should be re-examined at the end of the course of treatment to ensure that the infestation has cleared completely. It is just as important to ensure that the environment is properly treated, in order to avoid re-infestation. This is done by removing all hay, bedding, and toys. Once removed disinfect them thoroughly, then use an insecticidal fog or spray that is effective against Cheyletiella. Some veterinarians recommend preventative treatment with kitten-strength Revolution for rabbits who are particularly prone to mite infestations. Dosage amount and frequency will be determined by the size of the rabbit, along with its medical history. There is no vaccine available to prevent this disease. Cheyletiella is considered to be a possible zoonotic infection. Most people are exposed through handling of infested pets. Infection is typically transient and self-limiting in people because constant contact with infected animals is needed to maintain infection with humans. Occasionally humans exposed to this parasite will develop mild skin lesions. These may be itchy and can form open sores in very severe cases. Anyone handling diseased rabbits should thoroughly wash their hands and use appropriate caution to prevent from being infected. Cheyletiella parasitovorax isn’t a reportable disease. I would educate clients about Cheyletiella by use of posters, charts and pictures. I would also send home brochures and websites for them to read over. These materials would describe the cause, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of Cheyletiella.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mary Shelleys Frankenstein :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Life is a journey that has its â€Å"ups and downs,† but for most of us the happy memories prevail more than those that are of our dislike do. Victor Frankenstein is one of those few persons that will not agree with me on this statement. As far as we know the story, we realize that there are plenty of moments that he is filled with joy, never the less, as time passes, he creates his own misery and every moment becomes his final doom.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Frankenstein’s childhood is, as we very well know, a wonderful and even an envied time. Life for him couldn’t be more perfect, he had amazing experiences with Elizabeth, had good relationships with his parents, and most of all he was a kid who knew no limits or prohibitions. He says, â€Å"No human being could have passed a happier childhood that myself1,† which just couldn’t state more clearly the amazing in fancy he had. Moreover, he continues saying that â€Å"We [Elizabeth and himself] felt that they [his parents] were not tyrants to rule out lot according to their caprice, but the agents and creators of all the many delights which we enjoyed2.† This sentence makes me think that he can’t even complain about a single episode in his early times, they were just about perfection. Life goes on and the older people get, the more knowledge they obtain, and so did Frankenstein. He began with self-instruction and continued studies in Ingolstadt, which may sound terrific, but we know that his thirst for knowledge was one of the reasons that led him to misery. He sets away that wonderful world of joy and friends for a filthy laboratory and a dream that is consumed of ambition. In my personal opinion I think that the opportunity he had in going away for college was worth gold, but it doesn’t explain the fact that he ceases the relationship with his family and friends. He know it and he reveals it when he says, â€Å"And the same feelings which made me neglect the scenes around me caused me also to forget those friends who were so many miles absent, and whim I had not seen for a long time3.† Here is when he first begins to suffer from his own cause and his own fault. His misery was enriched when the monster was finally completed and further more, when his brother William dies and Justine is found guilty for a crime she didn’t commit.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Full Summary of the Goal

Full Summary of The Goal Chapter 1 The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt is about a man named Alex Rogo and his quest of knowledge to make his company once again profitable. The first chapter begins with Alex coming into work only to notice someone is parked in his spot. He then realizes that the only person who would do this is Bill Peach who is the division’s vice president. Once he is in the office he finds out that Peach is there to figure out the status of the order number 41427 which is seven weeks late.Then once Rogo and Peach start talking; Peach informs Rogo that his company is loosing money. Next Peach states that he only has three months to turn the company around. Rogo then goes back to the issue at hand number 41427. Chapter 2 Rogo then heads home that afternoon to get something to eat. He meets his wife in the living room. She wants to go out to get something to eat with him, but he tells her he can’t because his problems at the plant he has to get right back. T hey get into an argument and she cries then he consoles her and tells her he will be back later that night.Once he gets back to the machine that he learned was down before he left he talks to someone in the plant asking if they are going to make the order and the plant worker said â€Å"maybe. † At 11 pm the order leaves the dock to be shipped they sigh in relief. He leaves work to get a bite to eat with a plant worker to celebrate. Then Rogo remembers that his plant is loosing money and contemplates why. His efficiencies are good but he can not put his finger on what is causing the problem. Chapter 3 He wakes up the next morning and has to go to a meeting that Peach has called, but will not tell anyone what it is about.On his way to the elevator he begins to talk to Nathan Selwin a co-worker. Nathan begins to tell him quietly that the whole division is going to go down if Peach doesn’t do something about it. During the meeting Rogo decides he should start paying atten tion so he reaches for a pen, but instead he pulls out a cigar. He doesn’t smoke anymore so he wonders where it came from, and then he remembers! Chapter 4 It was two weeks ago at the airport he recognized his old friend who was a physicist, Jonah. They begin to talk and catch up with what each other are doing these days.Rogo tells Jonah that he is a plant manager for UniCo and Jonah seems to be more interested in that. They begin to talk about the robots that were recently installed in the plant. Rogo tells Jonah that the robots have increased plant productivity, but after Jonah asks a few questions Jonah disagrees. Jonah tells Rogo he is not running as efficient of a plant as he thinks he is. Jonah tells him to think about what the goal of his plant is before he leaves. Chapter 5 Rogo is still in the meeting thinking it is a waste of time and wonders why he is still there. Rogo bails on the meeting during the break to go back to the plant, but passes it up.He instead gets f ood and goes sit on a hill and thinks about what Jonah told him two weeks ago. After pondering a few different things he comes to the conclusion that making money is the goal of the company. Chapter 6 Rogo finally returns to the plant at 4:30 that evening. In his office he inquires Lou the plant’s controller about the goal of the plant. Lou agrees that it is to make money. They continue to talk about the measurements that are used to tell if a company is making money. He finally realizes how late it is at work and calls his wife and they get into an argument again.Rogo finishes talking to his night time manager then heads to the house. Chapter 7 He gets home to meet his daughter still up to show him her report card which was all A’s. He puts her to bed then begins to think about the business again. He knows he only has a little time to turn things around, but he needs to know so much more. This is when he decides he needs to talk to Jonah again. Chapter 8 Once he gets to work in the morning he finds out Peach is on the phone. Peach chews him out for walking out on the meeting then continues to keep him in meetings on the phone for the rest of the day.He decides to go to his mother’s house to look for his old contact book to try and track down Jonah. He finally gets a hold of Jonah after talking to many other people. Jonah then gives Rogo 3 measurements with specific definitions to calculate the goal. The conversation gets cut short again and he leaves Rogo to figure out how to define the measurements in terms of his plant. Chapter 9 The next morning he gets to work late and goes straight to Lou’s office to discuss about the new figures Jonah has given him. They then bring in the Inventory manager Stacy and Bob the supervisor in the plant to discuss more about the figures.They figure out a few things are wrong according to the goal and then Rogo decides to discuss what he has been talking to Jonah about. Chapter 10 Once he has cleare d the air about Jonah and explained to him everything that they have talked about they start again. They begin to compare the figures that Jonah gave him to their own company. He tells the workers about how he only has three months to get the plant to make money. They then decide to call Jonah again. Rogo and Jonah decide to meet in New York. Chapter 11 The next morning he meets up with Jonah in the hotel in New York.They begin to talk about the goal and the problems at the plant again. The next two figures that Jonah tells him about are statistical fluctuations and dependent events. He explains how these affect his plant the runs out of time again and has to leave. Chapter 12 He returns home from New York to find his wife at home who he has been calling like crazy with no answer. They once again get into a heated argument to once again resolve it. Rogo promises to spend the weekend with his wife, but has to return to the plant for the time being. Chapter 13 Saturday morning he wake s up to see his son dress in a Boy Scout uniform.He remembered that he had promised to go on an overnight hike with him. The troop leader was sick so Rogo had to lead the troops. During the hike he notices the line spreading and closing and relates that to statistical fluctuations and then states that the dependent events of each scout cause them. Chapter 14 The troops decide it is time to stop for lunch. During lunch Rogo makes a game up to experiment with statistical fluctuations. He has the boys play it and he keeps record. He uses this to simulate the assembly line in his plant. Chapter 15 They continue the hike Rogo still comparing it to the plant.He decides to then change the leader to Herbie who is the slowest kid in the group. He thinks this will cut down the fluctuations in the group. Then they finally get to the campsite and set up camp. Chapter 16 Rogo and his son get home about 4:30 Sunday evening only to find an empty house and a letter from his wife that she had left h im. He goes to pick up his daughter from his mothers house where his wife left her and then calls around to find where his wife is, but can not find her. Chapter 17 Rogo starts work on Monday morning to find out that Hilton has left a message.He needs his 100 parts by the evening, but Rogo doesn’t think he can do it. Then Rogo gets the crew together and starts talking about what he has learned during the Boy Scout trip. They are hesitant to believe him, but he ends up proving himself using the process of the Hilton order as an example. Chapter 18 The next day everyone is already in his office when he gets to work. They are ready to discuss the next step, but they do not know where to go from here. So they naturally decide to call Jonah. Jonah then tells them about bottlenecks and non-bottle necks.The conversation is quickly ended again then their only choice is to find these in their plant. They find out that their newest machine the NCX-10 is a bottle neck for the plant and also the furnace. Chapter 19 Rogo talks to Jonah yet again, but this time Jonah decides to come to Rogo’s plant. They tour the plant with Jonah and look at all the bottlenecks of the plant. Jonah gives suggestions on how to fix their bottlenecks to keep up with demand. He also shows them how they were calculating the cost per part of the bottlenecks wrong. Chapter 20 The group meets again in the morning.They have a discussion about what actions are going to be taken with the bottlenecks. They decide on a few things to start implementing in the plant. While these things are happening Rogo goes to talk to his wife which he found out is at her parent’s house. Chapter 21 Rogo gets home and decides to call his wife a make a date for Saturday and she is very happy to agree. He then returns to the plant and meets back up with the regular group. They then decide to implement a tagging system which will let the employees which parts have priority. Then Saturday he takes his wif e on a date. Chapter 22Rogo returns to work to find out that their plan is slowly improving their production. They are catching up on their late work orders. But, it’s not enough so he asks for more suggestions by the Wednesday meeting. On Wednesday Bob shows up to the plant with an old machine used to do what the NCX-10 does to take some of the load off. Chapter 23 Rogo is going on many dates with his wife these days and they are getting along a lot better. In the plant he finds out more about hold ups on the bottlenecks and solutions for them. They keep implementing these new solutions which improve the plants productivity.Chapter 24 The group decides to celebrate due to the new record they have set in orders delivered for the month. They go out and Stacey drives him home only to find his wife who thinks he is cheating on her, she takes off again. The next day at the plant Rogo is informed that new bottlenecks are forming throughout the plant. Rogo and his wife make up and he calls Jonah to get advise again only for him to say he needs another look. Chapter 25 Rogo picks up Jonah again from the airport for him to investigate yet another problem that the company is having with the bottlenecks.They suspect that there is another bottleneck forming in the plant, but Jonah thinks otherwise. Jonah explains how bottlenecks feed non-bottlenecks and vice versa and that is where their problem lies. Chapter 26 At home again Rogo is thinking about how to apply what he has learned from Jonah. His children asked if they can help and they do in fact more than they think. The group got together with Jonah and devised a new schedule that would predict when items would be finished and when some needed to be released. Then Rogo brings Jonah back to the airport. Chapter 27Rogo is in a meeting with Bill Peach and others from UniCo when they say that his division is the only one profiting now. He meets with Bill in the office one on one and they decide that if Rogo raises his bottom line 15% more than Bill will not shut him down next month. He decides to go to visit his wife and kids since he has not seen them in a while. They get in another argument about their marriage and then make up. Chapter 28 He gets home only to the phone ringing, its Jonah; he says that he will not be able to talk to Rogo for a few weeks so he needs to talk to him now.Jonah suggests cutting the batch sizes in half. They discuss this suggestion over a nice meal. Rogo then has a meeting with Johnny johns telling him how much faster he can produce products and he needs more contracts. Chapter 29 Rogo wakes up in the middle of the night after a nightmare all he can think about it the plant and how the figures make it look like cost is going up when actually they are doing the opposite. Lou comes in his office the next morning saying he can solve the cost problem to buy them a few months, but it’s not valid according to the accounting department so it would be a risk.Jons calls him back with an offer to do 1000 model 12’s in 2 weeks, but Rogo decides that it is impossible, but they could do 250 a week for 4 weeks and they get the account. Chapter 30 At the beginning of the new month they are having their meeting and Lou comes in with the figures and states that they have hit the 15% mark plus a little more. Rogo goes away for two days and comes back to find they are shooting a TV program about their robots. He slips up about the new batch sizes and the figures to Hilton and begins to get audited by the company. During the meeting a helicopter shows up its Mr.Burnside who had the big order he wanted to congratulate everyone in the plan for doing such a great job. After all this he decides to go visit his wife and they decide to get back together. Chapter 31 The meeting is held to determine whether or not Rogo’s plant was going to be shut down. In the meeting Hilton does not listen to what Rogo has to say and condemns his plant. Rogo out of a last hope goes to Peaches office and tries to convince him when Peach had already made up his mind that it was going to stay. Also, Rogo was going to get a promotion to Peaches position and Peach was moving up also.Chapter 32 Rogo and his wife sit down at dinner to celebrate his promotion. They talk about how he worked hard with Jonah’s help, but they couldn’t help but wonder why he couldn’t do it on his own; it all seemed like common sense. Chapter 33 Rogo goes back to his old plant in his new position. He first talks to Lou, then Bob, next Stacey, and last Ralph. One by one he is giving them promotions. Chapter 34 The group once again gets together. This time it is different though now they are talking about how they are going to take action toward the whole division instead of one plant. Chapter 35They continue to discuss the topic at hand this time comparing it to the scientist from history, Mendeleev. Then the goes home to talk to his wife who has been reading Socrates. Chapter 36 They meet once again trying to put what they did in the plant to rules they can follow. They develop a five step process of evaluating and fixing problems in the divisions. Chapter 37 They continue to make changes and developments to the rules that they have made getting them ready for action. Chapter 38 Rogo is asking Johnny for more sales for his plant to see if everything they implemented is working correctly.They now decide to expand their market to Europe at a cost lower than they are selling here. Chapter 39 Rogo gets a call from Peach to discuss his new actions and to discuss the fact that he knew Hilton’s plant was going to lose its bottom line. He also can not understand how Rogo’s system works so he has him come down to teach him. Chapter 40 They all go to head quarters to tackle the issue at hand. Rogo figures out he is on his own now. He can’t ask for Jonah’s help or else he would never be able to go through the t hinking process for himself.